

Pretty Halfmoon Butterflyfish

Fish World | Pretty Halfmoon Butterflyfish | This species is distributed over most of the Indo-Pacific region. It is recorded from the East African coast in the west to Polynesia, including the Hawaiian Islands (USA), Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia) and Ducie Island (Pitcairn Islands, United Kingdom), in the east. The range extends from southern Japan in the north to Lord Howe Island (Australia) and Rapa Iti (Austral Islands, French Polynesia), in the south.
Wanderers are sometimes seen in the eastern Pacific to the Galapagos Islands (Ecuador) and Cocos Island (Costa Rica). The species is very widespread with a size range of ~ 81 million km2 of values ​​estimated by Jones et al. (2002) based on forecasts of distribution maps of Allen et al. (1998). It is found at a depth of 10-60 m.
This species is found in lagoons and outer reefs where it is most seen in rocky areas, both slopes or in the tidal zone (especially young). Animals are individually, together or in small aggregations. Favorite foods include slugs, tube worm tentacles, coral polyps and algae (GR Allen pers. Comm. 2006). It feeds rarely on living corals (Pratchett 2005), but exhibited a decrease in abundance from 1979 to 2003 on Moorea (Berum and Pratchett 2006).
While its technically true that Bettas can live in a small unheated bowl, they are more likely to be sickly and listless. They will live longer and thrive in a larger environment. Like other tropical fish, Bettas will thrive best in heated tanks with live plants and plenty of room to swim. At least 18.9 liters (5 U.S. G.) is preferred. They are tropical fish and will therefore prefer to live in the higher temperature of around 22.2 to 27.8 ° C (72-82 ° F).
The males do not do well in strong currents, especially the long-finned varieties as they are not strong swimmers. For this reason, and because of the frequent water changes necessary without a filter can be stressful for them is a small filter is recommended.
Bettas are labyrinth breathers and therefore access to the surface is completely times.Some Bettas will have to jump. Some jumpers will not stop, even if you have a hood over their tank. A minimal amount of air space (1 / 2 ") between the water and the tank cover to prevent injury.